What is Animal Reiki
Reiki, means spiritual or universal life energy. It is a Japanese holistic healing method that is completely safe and 100% natural. It has no religious connotations and can DO NO HARM. The primary purpose of Reiki is to support the energetic rebalancing and reharmonizing of the body, mind, and spirit.
You may be familiar with Reiki performed on humans; usually with hands-on the client’s clothed body or slightly away from it. Human Reiki has been used so successfully over the years in helping people heal, that hundreds of hospitals, nursing homes and rehab centers around the country have a Reiki practitioner on staff.

Animal Reiki is a more recent form of this healing modality. Many of the human reiki practitioners around the world, continue to use the hands-on method with animals; but the training I received is quite a different approach. My instructor, Kathleen Prasad of Animal Reiki Source®, created the Let Animals Lead® method of Animal Reiki. In this method, the animals do not receive hands on healing unless they initiate it. The energy connection with them occurs through setting an intention and meditation. Through meditation, the animals are respectfully invited to participate and are always in control. Because animals are so attuned to energy, they are generally very responsive to receiving this gentle but powerful energy. By creating and holding an energetic space filled with respect, compassion, and loving kindness for the animals, they experience a sense of relaxation and overall, wellbeing.
Reiki does not cure or heal animals or people but provides the focused energy that allows their body’s natural self-healing to take place.
Get in Touch
Schedule a Reiki session for your pet, please either call or text 760-644-0289 or simply fill out this form